The Ins & Outs of Hospitality

Discover the “Ins and Outs of Hospitality” magazine and gain the knowledge and insight to design hotels, keeps track of the latest trends, and offers learnt lessons and observations to enhance the hospitality experience.

From design tips to trend alerts, this magazine has it all.

Beyond Universal Design and Using Standardised Dimensions on Projects

There are manuals that all the design world uses; Neufert Architect’s Data© is one better known. They all teaches us optimal dimensions for all spatial design requirements.....but are they enough?...

The Art of Renovating Hotels

It is usually assumed that designers have an easier job renovating a building than designing a new one, however having undertaken a significant number of hotels renovations, there is nothing further from the truth. In undertaking renovation Architect...

Parts of a whole

In a restaurant, the whole experience is created by all that touches our 5 senses. The general atmosphere of the restaurant starts by the creation of the theme. Within the concept of the theme, everything matters; from the floor finish to the fabric ...

Restaurant Entrances

When it’s time to eat, what is better than to have more than enough choice of restaurants that serve many different cuisines? The question is, how do you actually choose going to one restaurant over another? the first things most people think about...

The usual puzzle: Where to eat?

Many of my recent articles have been about the use of recycled materials and the importance of renewable ones. These greatly factor into our daily lives as it is something that we can touch and feel. I’ve had the opportunity these last  few weeks ...

Design & Innovation: The Entertainment Side of Hotels

I talked in previous articles about hotels guest rooms, food and beverages outlets and how they should gear up for better serving the new generations of travelers. So what else in hotels needs re-inventing? Should a hotel be just a place to sleep or ...

Design & Innovation: Hotel Food & Beverage

After guests’ rooms, the next most important aspect of any hotel is food. Now let’s look at why hotel restaurants are usually deserted particularly in the evening. I guess it’s because of what seems like a template, when it comes to what is off...

Design & Innovation: Hotel Guest Rooms

Hotel rooms in my opinion fall into two categories, hotels rooms for business travellers and those for leisure travellers and they absolutely should have very little in common. In all major hotels around  the world, guest rooms present the travelers...

Design & Innovations: The Story of Hotels

I travel a fair bit and after many years, I have developed airports panic disorder. As soon as I leave home I start dreading the painful journeys through airports. From the moment I get off the car, the torture starts; The never ending queues, the st...