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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.


In search of Carbon Neutral Cities

At one of our office Lunch & Learn seminars, we were reviewing Masdar Project in Abu Dhabi and all the technologies involved into making this “c...

The Materials of WELL being

It’s that time of the year again...“THE (tedious) annual health checkup”! I found myself looking around the clinic to find myself focused on the...

A Library for Generation Z

My teams and I have been designing education facilitates across Asia for over 3 decades, and although schools have learned to adapt to their new curri...

The Sustainability Equation

When I first returned to Asia from England some 25 years ago, Bangkok rivers and canals were polluted, the air was un-breathable, garbage disposal unr...

Glass Pt. 3: The Endless Choice

When it comes to glass, its characteristics allow it to be modified for so many uses. The design and constuction industry has been using glass for so ...

Beyond Universal Design and Using Standardised Dimensions on Projects

There are manuals that all the design world uses; Neufert Architect’s Data© is one better known. They all teaches us optimal dimensions for all spa...