The Changing Role Of The Architect

It has been a while since the architect was the master builder and was the ultimate authority for any building design and construction. A lot of factors contributed to this change;   The industrial revolution, new technologies, new materials meant the traditional craftsmen were not capable to handle the new complexity of the design and building industry.   We saw …

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Minimalism in Architecture, Origin, and Context

There are a lot of publications defining what minimalism is, when it started as an architecture movement and what influenced it. In general it is believed that minimalism is a 20th, 21st century movement that was influenced by Japanese architecture, Mies Van Der Rohe,             De Stijl…etc It stands for pure forms, no decoration for …

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The Art of Reconciling New and Old Architecture Forms

 What strikes you in these images? Is there a clash here, does it intrigue you, bother or pleases you? I am sure there are no simple answers to this question. Some of us love and want modern and new technological wonders others are rather well settled in the familiar, the conventional.As architects we face this dilemma often;Owners and clients sometimes come …

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