Housing: The Need Part II

Continuing from last week blog I wanted to look at Algeria never ending housing shortage problem in a bit more depth before drawing conclusions as to what I believe is the reason Thailand is successing where Algeria is failing miserably. “Algeria is an important North African Maghreb state with 36 million inhabitants.  At 2 381 000 sq km, it is …

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Housing: The Need III

“…housing development in Thailand can be divided into three major periods: the boom (1990-1996), the bust (1997-2001) and the recovery (2002 onwards). The effects of the market bust were clearly observed in 1996, but the massive bust occurred when the Baht was floated or devalued on July 2,1997. Housing development, however, has contributed to the economy and the country. A …

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Housing: The Need

When I was young,  growing in a country struggling with shortage of housing, I watched  various attempts by the government trying to solve the problem but always failing, and even after 50 years of trying, they are still failing! The impacts of this lack of a basic shelter was having on the fabric of the society is appalling.   Yesterday …

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