Glass Pt. 3: The Endless Choice

When it comes to glass, its characteristics allow it to be modified for so many uses. The design and constuction industry has been using glass for so long, yet it’s so impressive how much progress and innovation is made.  We can find glass being used all around us; even for floors! Looking at a simple drinking glass, you can wonder …

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Glass Pt. 1: Let’s Get Cracking

GLASS: It can be clear, it can be frosted, it can be curved, it can be recycled, it is unstoppable.  Before we get to far, let’s first start with the initial question. What is it really made of? The over-simplified answer is: Sand!  Have you ever wondered why sand glistens and is rough in large pieces? This is because the …

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Through the wall

The nature of glass is its clarity and its association with lightness, brightness, and purity. Last week’s article discussed the options of using glass on floors, but what about the interior walls? Starting with the walls, there are certain aspects of construction to consider here. It must be first determined if the glass will be free standing glass or if it will …

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