Dissection of a Hospital

Every one goes to hospitals every once in a while. We take our kids, we go ourselves, we visit someone, it’s very much part of our lives. The space planning and layout of the hospital is a very important. Well space planning of all facilities is important but importantly so for hospitals. While planning a hospital, designers and architects must …

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Faulty Designs that last

From the moment we wake up in the morning, our lives are made easier by a large number of products and gadgets, from the alarm clock, the toaster, the juice maker, the car or bicycle to take you to your destination products are everywhere, the list is endless. All these products are designed to be user friendly,  practical  and safe. …

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Cool,Warm, or in between?

Architect Ludwig Mies van der Rohe described Minimalism as “ Less is more” but is it really? When a space is designed minimalistically, “less” often is less A minimal space is often associated with clean, sleek and clear lines, or a very “open” space in other words with elements of  furniture sparsely used  to create an impression. “Minimalism” is a …

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