Recycled Paper=ART

We use tons of paper every day, from newspapers, magazines, stationary, and for designers like us, sketches, drafts, briefs and printouts of plans are cluttering every design studio! Paper is still widely used considering that offices and schools are going paper free. We do our best to minimize our carbon footprint and try to use the least amount of paper …

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Recycling; designers and consumers

Environmentally Friendly, Sustainability, Green, Eco-friendly, eco-green, are all words and philosophies that designers are using to help “save the environment” by using and implementing ideas in their projects, architectural, interior, fashion, industrial or product wise. It is our social and moral obligation to help conserve and  preserve the environment around us. How a designer creates something helps dictates how the …

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Greening our offices

Every morning when I go to work, I park my car close to my work and walk for a good 8 mins to work. This 8 minute walk I get, is past some homes where their gardens and trees are abundant. I walk past the fragrant trees and bushes and know that I’ve received my green and sunshine for the …

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Greening our Spaces

In my last article I had written about greening our interiors and the benefits of some of the plants for our surrounding environment. Both Interior and our exterior spaces  should be green and if we can all use green elements to design interesting interior and exterior  spaces we are contributing towards a cleaner air and a fresher environment. Plants have …

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Greening our Interiors

Living in the city, I always look forward to visiting beaches and parks especially on the weekends. The feeling of being in nature is invigorating and refreshing. It’s a nice break from the concrete and the air-conditioning that we breathe daily. But how can we bring nature into our interiors so that we can also have small breaks of freshness …

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Soya bean uses in construction

My last few articles have been about byproducts of grains, such as rice, wheat, and corn. These are grains that are universally used and recognized as a major source of food. Most grains that do contain gluten, are also used   as replacements within the manufacturing process to help with cutting down on waste and becoming more energy efficient. Today I …

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Wheat uses in Construction

Wheat is a major component of our diets. It is found in breads, cakes  etc. And since the early 1900’s scientists had developed many kinds of wheat that were resistant to cold, disease and other crop threats. As a result, wheat production has risen around the world dramatically, today Wheat is grown on more land area worldwide than any other …

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Corn uses in Construction

In my last article, I had talked about Rice and how it has been found to have many uses. Today’s article is about Corn. One of the most  versatile foods around.  Corn has been an important crop for thousands of years. Particularly known for being a food source, either in it’s actual form or even as in corn syrup and …

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Rice uses in Construction

In my earlier article I was tinkering with innovative gadgets and electrical sockets and decided to find something traditional which was used innovatively and began researching about. As I sit down to a meal consisting of rice and curry, I got my inspiration. Apart from feeding the world, how many other ways has rice been used innovatively. A crop, a staple …

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Innovative Sockets

With Electrical Sockets, Electrical adapters, chargers, remote control dominating our lives I thought its time we start thinking what are the innovative ways out there that will help us incorporate all these so we won’t have to have extension running all over the place. Kitchen Spaces When designing a kitchen, we can never have enough power outlets! kitchens require the …

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