Put it back!

So going back to the initial concept of reuse, reduce, and recycle!

We need to look at the aspects of how materials not only should be used of recycled products but also of all the products around us that are easily recycled. I already mentioned that the basic recyclable materials are glass, wood, and metal. This week I want to show you some products that you see every day in your lives that have been made into various other new construction materials!

sustainable materials; Fenn Designers; Lydia TF; Put it Back!

Sustainable Materials; Fenn Designers; Lydia TF; Put it Back!

Sustainable Materials; Fenn Designers; Lydia TF; Put it Back!The remaining parts of aluminum and plastic polymers are able to be used as aggregates in cement; the plastic act as replacement for the fossil fuel resources and the aluminum substitute as the hardening agent  in the cement mixture.


Cans have been used by various NGOs as structural support to walls when building homes for the less fortunate

Sustainable Materials; Fenn Designers; Lydia TF; Put it Back!Sustainable Materials; Fenn Designers; Lydia TF; Put it Back!

Beer bottles have been melted and reformed to act as construction bricks. Not only are they able to be joined to form a wall but they also are translucent and let in light….all be it, green!

Sustainable Materials; Fenn Designers; Lydia TF; Put it Back!

Eco-fabrics are made from recycled PET bottles. They are used for all textile needs that could be required from bags and shoes to heavy duty seating cushions to sound insulation.

Sustainable Materials; Fenn Designers; Lydia TF; Put it Back!

As you can see, there are so many products around us that have gone through meticulous study to fully expand their uses. From the milk carton to our shoes, it is important to always be conscious about how it is made and what can be later made from it. With this increased awareness in our world, it has become more and more important for producers to be aware of the raw materials they use. Most of the large corporations have been investing heavily to increase the recyclability of their product packaging.

So, next time you go shopping or purchase a product, look at it carefully and be sure that you buy a renewable material to do your small part for the rest of the world!

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