Recycled Fabric=ART

After writing about recycling paper, plastic, glass, aluminium, and tires, my thought went to the everyday clothes we wear, the upholstery we use, the many things that is made of fabric in our lives. What do we do with them once they’re old? Either we throw it out or donate clothes to charity for the people who need them.

There is no recycling center for clothes. I do not know of any. But by researching I found that there are other ways to utilize used clothing other than giving it away to charity. There is art where used fabrics could be the outcome of beautiful work of art.


Fenn Designers; Sheetal Chailertborisuth

An atom bomb sculpture made out of recycled clothing.


Fenn Designers; Sheetal Chailertborisuth


These chairs are not made of any wood , they’re made of Fabric. This is a “Remember me Chair” by
Juretezek, designer. Taking castoff clothing ,such as outdated jeans and old concert t-shirts and molds them to make a             single –person seating.

Fenn Designers; Sheetal Chailertborisuth


These tiles, or DEMODE are made from left over scraps from textile factories in Santiago, Chile. Developed by Bernardita Marambio of Pecas Design Studio. These factories produce 46 thousand tons of waste in Santiago, Chile, and making tiles like this is helping with recycling waste and setting an extremely high standard of environmental change. Tiles like this are used for wall pieces and furniture pieces. Made with a mix of plastic and natural materials these tiles are bio-degradable.


Fenn Designers; Sheetal Chailertborisuth

Simple homemade bracelet made from clothes tag. Anyone can create this even a child.

Fenn Designers; Sheetal Chailertborisuth


Designer, Derick Melander creates architectural stacks of work by using discard clothing.


Fenn Designers; Sheetal Chailertborisuth

Recycled t-shirt that becomes a shag pillow.


Think of any material, whether it’s fabric, plastic, aluminium or glass, everything should be recycled and anything can be  turned into a work of art with a little thought and imagination.

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