Greening our offices

Every morning when I go to work, I park my car close to my work and walk for a good 8 mins to work. This 8 minute walk I get, is past some homes where their gardens and trees are abundant. I walk past the fragrant trees and bushes and know that I’ve received my green and sunshine for the …

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Greening our Spaces

In my last article I had written about greening our interiors and the benefits of some of the plants for our surrounding environment. Both Interior and our exterior spaces  should be green and if we can all use green elements to design interesting interior and exterior  spaces we are contributing towards a cleaner air and a fresher environment. Plants have …

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Greening our Interiors

Living in the city, I always look forward to visiting beaches and parks especially on the weekends. The feeling of being in nature is invigorating and refreshing. It’s a nice break from the concrete and the air-conditioning that we breathe daily. But how can we bring nature into our interiors so that we can also have small breaks of freshness …

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