What’s the future of waterfront cities?

I have written a couple of articles recently about climate change and waterfront cities; wondering  why are people still reclaiming part of the sea and building to no end, why are properties fronting water still fetching huge prices? I think we are not really totally convinced that there is a real problem; it’s called global warming and it’s signs and manifestations …

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For Centuries human settlements developed and expanded  near waterfronts. When roads were primitive, rivers were the highways for people and goods transportation.  No wonder most of the world greatest cities are built along major rivers and seashores. Bangkok, London, Paris, Venice, like many others waterfront cities have developed over the centuries to become major metropolitan thanks to their access to …

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The Environmental Cost of New Waterfront Development

Human settlements developed  and expanded  near water for centuries, When roads were primitive, water was a source for food, agriculture, transportation, materials, trade, people well being and prosperity. No wonder that most of the world greatest cities are built along major rivers and seashores. Bangkok, London, Paris, Venice like many others waterfront cities have developed over the centuries to become …

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